Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome
Moving through waves of self doubt that seem to hold you back from trusting your own abilities and skills? Feel like a fraud when someone asks for your expert opinion? Do you feel constricted or triggered when you receive praise? Ever ask yourself, “well who the f*ck am I to give advice?”
You’re not alone. This blend was born out of moving through my own self doubt and “Imposter Syndrome” this year. Calling on allies like the Larch tree (a classic confidence builder in the Bach tradition of flower essences) and Red Columbine (a powerful spirit of trust in your own uniqueness, and that you are already “enough”). Citrine is added to ground these lessons into the body for less repeating cycles of doubt and more trust in your power.
Indicated for those who feel:
full of self doubt
question your worth, skills, talents, experience, and voice
afraid to say yes to new experiences that invest in YOU
don’t put yourself out there because you’re afraid of rejection
don’t think you have anything to offer, or are not deserving of success
Flower essences are water based medicine preserved with brandy. What you receive is a stock bottle, meaning you can further dilute this if you choose or take directly from the bottle.
The RITUAL>> Take 4 drops in water or directly on the tongue up to 4 times a day. Is also great with a few drops in a bath or on the acu-points of the body including the wrists, temples, heart, third eye, etc.
Please note: None of the statements in this listing have been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.